2003-2004 Current Issues and Projects
This section is currently being updated. Some documents may not currently be available.
2002-2003 Hot Topics
2001-2002 Hot Topics
2000-2001 Hot Topics
- Presidential Search
- Strategic Planning
- Shared Governance
- President Young's transition site (announced 10/11/02)
- Academics in Intercollegiate Athletics
- AAUP Governance Conference, Indianapolis, IN (10/09/03)
- Coalition of Intercollegiate Athletics (08/28/03)
- Email Communication with Bob Eno (09_01_03)
- Email Communication with Bob Eno (08_28_03)
- Email Communication with Bob Eno (06_09_03)
- SEC Faculty Governance Conference (05/01-02/03)
- The Role of the Chair (04/28/03)
- Rules Changes
- Shared Governance in UF Colleges (11/21/02 Senate report)
- Faculty Senate University Wide Elections/Nominations
- Looking for Volunteers (contact faculty.senate@ufl.edu)
- Electronic Elections (ppt, 11/21/02 Senate report)
- Electronic Elections (ppt, 10/17/02 Senate report)
- Campus Planning - SW 24th Avenue Extension
- Natural Areas Teaching Laboratory, with information, timeline on the proposal.
- Initial meeting of Focus Group on SW 24th Avenue Extension (05/06/03, called for by Senate and Vice President Poppell)
- Senate passed a motion to place topic on agendas of the Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee and the Lakes, Vegetation and Landscaping Committee (03/20/03)
- Campus Planning - Genetics Institute
- President Young held a meeting/open forum 11/01/02 to discuss the Genetics Institute
- Senate Cover Letter to President Charles Young on the Genetics Institute Resolution (sent 10/21/02)
- Genetics Institute Resolution (approved 10/17/02)
- Background Information (distributed 10/17/02)
- Related site by Paul Gulig (he presented the resolution)
- Report of the Committee on Overseas Programs (09/17/02)
- Sustainability
- Sustainability Task Force Report, 03/18/03
- Activity Report , March 2003
- Implementation Proposals for High Priority Recommendations , March 2003
- Sustainablity Task Force Resolution (approved 10/17/02)
- Sustainability Public Hearing - October 10, 2002, JWRU 283.
- Sustainable UF (for recent news)
- Sustainability Task Force Report (Word document, 9493 K, posted April 2002)
- Call for creation of task force (November 2000)
- Sustainability Task Force Report, 03/18/03
- The University and the Community
- Town/Gown
web site
(part of UF Faculities Planning website) - Town/Gown Action Plan (pdf, finalized 09/18/02, to Senate 11/21/02)
- Town Gown Committee created spring 2002 with Jane Brockmann (appointed by the Senate) and Ed Poppell as co-chairs.
- Town/Gown
web site
- Academic Calendars, approved 11/21/02; moved homecoming to October