
Recommendations and Comments on

Proposed Regulation Changes Affecting Faculty

Constitution Committee

February 2010


The Constitution Committee has reviewed the proposed regulation changes that will be noticed for March public hearings and makes the following recommendations. The Committee has adopted a color-coded key for easily identifying the regulation changes that it feels need further consideration.

Red – These regulation changes have elements that faculty members should all be aware of.

Yellow – These regulation changes have elements that concern a limited group of faculty and we recommend that those faculty examine the rule changes closely and express their views both to the Senate and to the administration through the public hearings if they feel it is appropriate.

Green – These regulation changes had some impact on faculty but generally made only stylistic or technical changes.

Caveat: while the Constitution Committee has attempted to review every regulation in light of its potential impact on faculty, we are only a small group with limited knowledge of the specific workings of every aspect of the University. Our recommendations should not substitute for individual examination of each regulation change.



3.009 Traffic & Parking; Bus System

The regulation is amended to set forth the transportation access fee effective in the fall semester 2010.

3.0372 Student Health, Athletic, and Activity and Service Fees

The regulation is amended to set forth the student health, athletic, and activity and service fees effective the fall semester of 2010.


1.006 Non Discrimination Policy

The amendment reflects changes that are required to comply with the Genetics Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 that went into effect on November 21, 2009

1.0061 Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity, and Administrative Organization for the Affirmative Action Program

The amendment reflects changes that are required to comply with the Genetics Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 that went into effect on November 21, 2009

1.015 University of Florida Community Campaign

The amendments update the pages of the IRS Form 990 that are required to be submitted by those organizations that file a form 990-EZ and clarify that a violation of a University regulation may be grounds to revoke approval for an organization to participate in tech campaign.

1.019 Limited Access Records

The amendments to this regulation indicate that the Vice President for Human Resource Services is the custodian of central personal files for all University employees including undergraduate student OPS employees.

2.001 Possession and Use of Firearms

This regulation is being revised to clarify the definition of campus as including all lands occupied or controlled by the University located in Alachua County, Florida, as well as the conditions under which firearms may be possessed on campus under the supervision of the ROTC. The changes clarify that members of government law enforcement agencies authorized by law to possess firearms may possess firearms on campus.

3.058 University Complaint Procedure for University support Personnel System Employees

The amendment reflects changes that are required to comply with the Genetics Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 that went into effect on November 21, 2009.


1.201 Leaves

Any employees hired on or after April 1, 2010 shall not be paid for any unused sick leave upon separation. The changes to this regulation also clarify that postdoctoral associates earn no sick or vacation leave; however they accrue five hours of personal leave each biweekly period, in proportion to their FTEs, up to a maximum of 352 hours. Postdoctoral Associates also earn four personal leave days in proportion to their FTEs per fiscal year, which shall be taken between December 26 and December 31. The changes further clarify the regulation and reflect long-time interpretation which permits the President to place an employee on leave with or without pay or reassign the employee when in furtherance of the mission of the University and permits the Vice President for Human Resource Services to reassign an employee pending investigation or between a notice of disciplinary action and its effective date.

3.014 Traffic & Parking; Fine Schedule

The amendments provide that failure to pay a fine or file a statement of appeal within 15 (rather than 30) calendar days from the date of the citation will constitute a default. The appropriate penalty plus an additional $10.00 (rather than $5.00) administrative fee shall be imposed. Accumulation of 10 or more guilty citations from September 1 through August 31 will result in suspension of parking privileges upon issuance of the next citation.

4.007 Confidentiality of Students Records

The changes to the regulation update its statutory basis, add confidentiality provisions concerning applicant records, and define student status in order to determine student record status. A student’s publication titles have been added to the list of directory information.

4.041 Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code: Scope and Violations

The amendment clarifies that the simultaneous submission of the same paper or project to satisfy more than one academic requirement is a violation of the Student Honor Code unless there is express authorization for such submissions.

7.003 Academic Personnel Employment Plan: Academic Appointments, Types of Appointments, Appointment Status Modifier, and Academic-Administrative Classification Titles

The changes clarify the nature of postdoctoral associate appointments as Other Personnel Services (OPS) appointments. Appointment of a postdoctoral associate beyond four years requires vice presidential approval.

7.019 Tenure and Promotion: Definition, Eligibility, Granting of Tenure, criteria, Procedures and Methods of Processing, Confidential Nature of Materials and Discussions, Reports and Appeals, Permanent Status and Sustained Performance Evaluations

The amendment to this regulation indicates that a chairperson, dean, or equivalent administrator who provides a written evaluation of the candidate as part of the tenure or promotion process shall not participate in the secret ballot of the department or equivalent unit.

7.042 University Grievance Procedures for Faculty; Definitions, General Information and Procedures

The amendment allows postdoctoral associates to file a grievance under this procedure

7.049 Textbook Adoptions

This regulation sets forth the University’s requirements for textbook adoption pursuant to Board of Governors Regulation 8.003. The regulation provides for textbook adoption deadlines to provide timely notice to students and requires instructor certifications concerning the need to use all required materials and the need for new editions of textbooks, as well as highlighting the long standing deferred payment program for textbook purchases.






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