Faculty Senate Meeting
May 12, 2011
3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
McCarty C 100
Call to order and approval of the April minutes: Mary Ann Ferguson, Faculty Senate Chair
Chair's Report: Mary Ann Ferguson, Faculty Senate Chair
President's Report: Bernie Machen, President
Provost's Report: Joe Glover, Provost
Actions Items:
- University Curriculum Committee - Bernard Mair, Chair, UCC
- Proposal to Create a School of Advanced Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry - Teresa Dolan, Dean
- Proposal for International Studies Major, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Paul D'Anieri, Dean
Information Items:
- University Constitution Committee - Margaret Temple-Smith, Chair, Constitution Committee
- General Education Revisions
- Review of Respective COC Roles
- College-level Shared Governance - Mary Ann Ferguson, Chair
- Mission Statement - Scott Nygren, Chair-Elect
Open Discussion from Senate Floor:
Senators first. Three minute limit per speaker.