Faculty Senate Meeting
March 24, 2011
3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Reitz Union Auditorium
Call to order and approval of the February minutes: Mary Ann Ferguson, Faculty Senate Chair
Chair's Report: Mary Ann Ferguson, Faculty Senate Chair
Provost's Report: Joe Glover, Provost
Actions Items:
- Review of Respective COC Roles - Timothy Johnson, Chair, Committee on Committees
Information Items:
- Progress Report on Engineering School - Cammy Abernathy, COE Dean
- Memo (handout added 3/22/11)
- Responses to Issues (handout added 3/22/11)
- Recommendation on Required Trainings - Mark Orazem, Infrastructure Chair (handout added 3/17/11)
- Role of HR in Safety & Counseling - Paula Fussell, Vice President for Human Resource Services
- UF Teaching and Learning Center - Kathleen Ann Long, Associate Provost, Office of Academic Affairs
- FEO Report - Kathleen Ann Long, Associate Provost, Office of Academic Affairs
- 2011 Student Experience in the Research University Survey - Marie Zeglen, Chair, SERU Committee
Open Discussion from Senate Floor:
Senators first. Three minute limit per speaker.
Revised 3/22/11