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Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation


  1. Monitor the compensation of UF Faculty relative to that of its peer institutions,
  2. Monitor procedures by which faculty raises are distributed at UF,
  3. Monitor the impact of raises on improving the salary profile of UF Faculty.

Proposed Constitutional Language for the permanent Compensation Committee

Meeting Minutes:

Name Rank Department Campus Box Phone Email Address
Bova, Frank Professor Neurosurgery 100265 392-4331 bova@neurosurgery.ufl.edu
Denslow, David
Distinguished Professor Economics 117140 392-0171 denslow@ufl.edu
Eaverly, Mary Ann Associate Professor Classics 117435 392-2075 eaverly@classics.ufl.edu
Ghosh, Malay Distinguished Professor Statistics 118545 392-1941 ghoshm@stat.ufl.edu
Larson, Jean Professor Mathematics 118105 392-0281 jal@math.ufl.edu
Mueller, Paul Professor Geology 112120 392-2231 mueller@geology.ufl.edu