
Senate Steering Committee

February 3, 2005
3:00 - 5:00 PM
226 Tigert Hall


• Approval of January 13, 2005 Steering Meeting Minutes Pierre Ramond, Chair
• Approval of January 20, 2005 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes Pierre Ramond, Chair
• Chair's Report
  • Textbook Acquisition
  • Strategic Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate
  • Upcoming Faculty Senate Elections
  • ACFS Report
  • Update on Provost Search
Pierre Ramond, Chair
• President's Report Bernie Machen, President
Information Items:  
• University Athletic Association & Academic Programs Albert Matheny, Intercollegiate Athletic Association, Chair
• Update on Policy Councils Policy Council Chairs
• University Libraries Gene Hemp
Action Item  
• Vote on Upcoming Senate Agenda Pierre Ramond, Chair

Approval of January 13, 2005 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Pierre Ramond

Presentation: Minutes were presented to the Steering Committee members.

Action Taken: Gene Hemp motioned to approve, PK Nair seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved.

Next Action:

Approval of January 20, 2005 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes

Pierre Ramond

Presentation: Minutes were presented to the Steering Committee members

Action Taken: Gene Hemp motioned to approve, Mike Katovich seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved

Next Action:


Chair's Report

  • Textbook Acquisition
  • Strategic Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate
  • Upcoming Faculty Senate Elections
  • ACFS Report
  • Update on Provost Search

Pierre Ramond


  • Pierre Ramond revisited the subject of textbook acquisition. He said that the current system works for some departments but does not work for others. Kim Emery and Lynne Vaughan (of the UF Bookstore) have met to discuss this issue. Pierre Ramond has recommended that a Committee be set to address this issue.
  • With the Senate elections approaching, Dr. Ramond is awaiting a report on the distribution of seats from Academic Affairs. A timeline has been developed by General Counsel's office detailing the election procedures. This timeline has been submitted to all Deans & Department Heads.
  • The chair reminded everyone that the Association of College Faculty Senates (ACFS) has a seat on the Board of Governors (BOG) and therefore has input at the BOG level.
  • Dr. Ramond said that shared governance is working as evidenced by two successful experiences, one of which was the recommendations set forward by the Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure.
  • Dr. Ramond addressed his concerns about the events that take place at Homecoming and the need to include more academic events. Each college should be encouraged to get involved.
  • The creation of a faculty speaker's bureau would be an asset to UF and its mission.

President's Report

Bernie Machen


  • President Machen gave a report from the Board of Governors (BOG) meeting. The BOG has raised the level of scrutiny on new program requests. The BOG budget for the coming year includes items UF wants but that are not included in the governor's budget.
  • Dr. Machen says there is work to be done to ensure proper communication and flow of issues between the administration and the Senate councils.
  • The president will not be able to attend the February 17 Senate meeting. He will ask Doug Barrett to deliver the administrator's report.
  • Dr. Machen updated the Committee on the status of the search for the new Provost. Due to an illness one candidate was not able to make their previously schedule time. They will meet with the Committee on Monday and after which a decision will be made as to what names will be forwarded to the President for decision.


University Athletic Association & Academic Programs

Albert Matheny

Presentation: Albert Matheny, chair of the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee, gave a report from the committee. The position of FAR (Faculty Athletic Rep) will be vacated this year. The IAC Committee will work with the Steering Committee to recommend names to fill this position. Jeremy Foley discussed the new academic requirements that are being implemented and stated that at the Faculty Senate meeting he will discuss UA Board, IAC, FAR, etc.

Discussion: Jeremy Foley and Albert Matheny will present to the Faculty Senate at the upcoming February 17, 2005 meeting.

Update on Policy Councils

Policy Council Chairs

A discussion of the work of the policy councils led to the following conclusions.

  • The Senate should encourage a survey of department chairs to determine the issues and problems regarding PeopleSoft.
  • The Strategic Plan should be placed on the next Steering Committee agenda.
  • A report on the libraries should be placed on the February 17 Senate agenda to be given by Scott Nygren, Chair of the Policy Council on Academic Infrastructure & Support.

University Libraries

Gene Hemp

Presentation: Gene Hemp reported on UF's library system as compared with peer institutions. Gene Hemp recommended that this issue be addressed to the Faculty Senate to highlight the University's need to improve the library system.

Discussion: At the next Faculty Senate meeting, Scott Nygren, Chair of the Policy Council on Academic Infrastructure & Support will present this item.


Approval of Senate Meeting Agenda

Pierre Ramond

Presentation: The tentative Faculty Senate agenda will be revised to include both Albert Matheny as well as Jeremy Foley presenting to the Senate. President Machen's report will be revised to be presented by designee. Scott Nygren and the Issue of University Libraries will be added.

Action Taken: With noted changes the Faculty Senate Agenda was approved for the February 17, 2005 meeting.

Next Action: The Agenda with changes will be emailed to the Faculty Senate Listserve as well as the Deans and Department Heads.

Additional Information

Meeting was Adjourned at 5:20pm.


Pierre Ramond
Kim Tanzer
Barbara Wingo
Rick Ragan
Robert Cousins
Gene Hemp
Bernie Machen
Pradeep Kumar
Council Chairs:
Frank Bova
Joan Frosch
Mike Katovich
Saeed Khan
Scott Nygren
Jeremy Foley
Albert Matheny
Anthony Brennan
Kim Emery

Download Printable PDF Version of these Minutes




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