
Faculty-Senate Meeting

December 16, 2004
3:00 - 5:00 pm
Reitz Union Auditorium

Meeting Agenda

Approval of November 18, 2004 Meeting Minutes Kim Tanzer, Chair-Elect
    • Chair's Report Kim Tanzer, Chair-Elect
    • President's Report Bernard Machen, President
    • Agenda Procedures Barbara Wingo, Parliamentarian
Action Items  
    • Ad Hoc Committee On Tenure Recommendations, #8 Modified James Klausner
    • New Department C.O.M: Department of Aging and Geriatric Research Timothy Flynn
    • Constitutional Language for Policy Councils Danaya Wright
    • Master of Science With Major In Decision Information Sciences Ken Gerhardt, Graduate Council
Information Items  
    • Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability Recommendations Les Thiele
    • Degree Title Change - B.S. in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology Sheila Dickison
    • Constitutional Language - 1) Academic & Professional Assembly, 2) Determination of Assistant In for Faculty Membership Danaya Wright

Approval of November 18, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Kim Tanzer

Discussion: Meeting called to order at 3:02pm. No changes or discussion regarding past minutes.

Action Items: Minutes approved unanimously.

Person Responsible:


Chair's Report

Kim Tanzer

Discussion: Kim Tanzer (Chair-Elect) substituted for Pierre Ramond (current Chair), Kim Tanzer reminded all Senators of the upcoming Policy Council elections and encouraged all voting senators to participate in the election.

Kim Tanzer recognized the contributions of David Colburn as provost for the past five years. Kim Tanzer read a resolution acknowledging Provost Colburn's efforts. David Colburn was unable to attend.

President's Report

Bernie Machen

Discussion: President Machen discussed ongoing searches and the status for several positions around the University, the VP of Human Resources, the Vice President for IFAS and the Provost position.

President Machen encouraged all Senators to vote in the Policy Council elections. He stressed the importance of each of the Councils and their part in the Faculty Senate and shared governance. He stated that the UF master plan is being reworked and the Policy Councils will be involved in this process.

President Machen emphasized his support for the ad hoc Committee on Sustainability's recommendations.

Agenda Procedures

Barbara Wingo

Discussion: Barbara Wingo provided a presentation of the procedures and important items regarding voting, information and action items, the agenda and other Faculty Senate meeting matters.

Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure, Recommendation #8 Modified

James Klausner

Discussion: James Klausner presented the revised recommendation #8 from the Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure. The previous version was tabled for revision at the November Faculty Senate meeting.

Motion: College level tenure and promotion boards shall provide recorded individual assessments to the college deans as part of their fact finding and consultative role in the review of promotion and tenure cases. An individual assessment shall consist of a college tenure and promotion board member indicating whether or not the candidate meets the standards required for tenure and/or promotion within that college, and that assessment shall become part of the tenure and promotion packet. The individual assessors shall not be identified in the tenure and promotion packet.

Action Items: This item was presented for a vote and passed by the majority. This recommendation will be included with the other previously approved recommendations in a letter that will be composed and transmitted to President Machen for his approval.

Person Responsible:
The Constitution Committee and Pierre Ramond, Faculty Senate Chair will compose a letter.


New Department C.O.M: Department of Aging & Geriatric Research

Timothy Flynn

Discussion: Timothy Flynn presented a recommendation from the College of Medicine to develop a new department, the Department of Aging and Geriatric Research.

Conclusions: A question was raised regarding where the funding will come from and whether this will affect other colleges. Timothy Flynn stated that the funding has already been designated within the College of Medicine and would not affect any other colleges.

Action Items: This item was presented for a vote and approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate.

Person Responsible:


Constitutional Language for Policy Councils

Danaya Wright

Discussion: Danaya Wright, representing the Constitution Committee, presented proposed constitutional language which modifies the terms of those elected to serve on the newly formed policy councils.

Motion: Council members elected by the Senate serve three-year staggered terms. If an elected Council member's Senate term expires before the Council term, the member will continue to serve on the Council until the end of the three-year Council term. Council members elected in January 2005 will begin their terms immediately. The period January 8, 2005 through September 29, 2005 will constitute the first year term. Staggered terms in AY 2004-2005: In order to assure that terms will be staggered so that only one-third of the members of any Council will be up for election in any given year, in AY 2004- 2005 the tenure of council members will be set as follows:

  • The two nominees for each Council who receive the most votes will serve three year terms,
  • The two nominees for each Council who receive the next most votes will serve two year terms,
  • The two nominees for each Council who receive the next most votes will serve one year terms.
Nominations in AY 2005-2006 and thereafter: In all years after AY 2004-2005, nominations for election of members of each Council will be made at the first senate meeting of the academic year. A vote will be conducted no later than the second Senate meeting of the academic year. The two nominees for each Council who receive the highest number of votes will be elected to three-year terms

Conclusions: Several senators suggested that the policy council terms should be one year as previously defined. Some senators noted that it would be beneficial to see how these councils perform before revising the terms or responsibilities. Voting for seats on the policy councils will begin December 17.

Action Items: This item was presented for a vote and passed by the majority.

Person Responsible:

Voting will begin on 12/17/2004

Master of Science with Major in Decision Information Sciences

Ken Gerhardt

Discussion: Ken Gerhardt presented a proposal for a new degree, the Master of Science with a major in Decision Information Sciences.

Conclusions: No discussion was had.

Action Items: This item was approved by unanimous vote.

Person Responsible:


Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability Recommendations

Les Thiele

Discussion:Les Thiele presented two resolutions proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability. They are 1) Develop a permanent Office of Sustainability that will be fully involved in all matters of sustainability, including research, teaching, service, administrative and fundraising initiatives, and their evaluation. This office will house a director, chief academic officer, staff member and graduate student. 2) Empanel a permanent joint committee on sustainability.

Several questions were raised including, 1) How does UF approach the BOT with these resolutions? 2) What are the detailed daily responsibilities of the director and chief academic office? 3) What evaluation and performance measures will be in place to determine if the office is progressing on the right track? 4) What is the return on investment? 5) Where will the office be housed? 6) It seems that there are some sustainability efforts at UF currently, why make any changes?

Conclusions: Several members of the Committee were present and assisted in providing some feedback to these questions. This item will be on the Senate agenda in January as an Action Item for a vote.

Degree Title Change - BS in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology

Sheila Dickison

Discussion: Sheila Dickison presented information on a proposed change of degree name for the Bachelor of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology.

Conclusions: No questions or comments were raised. This item will be an Action Item at the January Faculty Senate Meeting.

Constitutional Language - 1) Academic & Professional Assembly, 2) Determination of Assistant In for Faculty Membership

Danaya Wright

Discussion: Danaya Wright presented language proposed by the Constitution Committee regarding the Academic & Professional Assembly. Several Senators asked how many individuals were included. Vernon Kisling stated that there are approximately 2-3K people in the Assembly which currently exists. Those included are defined in PeopleSoft as Teams A. The APA is looking for recognition in the University Constitution. Several Senators addressed their concern with the language currently being proposed. It was noted that this group of individuals currently advise the President. The permanency of including this in the Constitution was raised because of the extensive process required to change any constitutional language.

Danaya Wright introduced Constitutional revisions that would add a process by which each College will include Assistant-In, Associate-In and Senior Associate-In.

Conclusions: Several Senators questioned the language being proposed and offered suggestions. These items will be brought to the Constitution Committee for further revision and presented at the January Faculty Senate Meeting as Information Items.

Additional Information

The Constitution Committee was also intending to present draft language regarding full-time and part-time employment included in the Constitution. Although this was not included on the Agenda it was discussed. Danaya Wright and Kim Tanzer addressed those present and asked for input and any suggestions that they had based on the interpretation and the current language defined in the Constitution. No specifics were offered as to a resolution. Joe Little made a final comment stating that the important thing to consider is permanence. The idea that the person is permanently attached to the university. This matter will be brought back to the Constitution Committee for further revision and will be presented as an Information Item at the January Faculty Senate Meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 5:08pm.


Kim Tanzer, Chair-Elect
Anthony Brennan, Past-Chair
Barbara Wingo, Parliamentarian
Rick Ragan, Secretary
Reza Abbaschian
Barry Ache
Samim Anghaie
Joe Aufmuth
Swapna Banerjee
Jerry Bartz
MaryLou Behnke
Karen Bjorndal
Paul Blaser
David Bloom
David Bloomquist
Frank Bova
William Buhi
Regina Bussing
Mary Ann Burg
Margaret Carr
Carlene Chase
Bill Chen
Robert Cohen
Dan Connaughton
Jerry Cutler
logero Dolce
John Duval
Laura Ellis
Tim Flynn
Joan Frosch
Paul George
Pete Giaccobi
Abraham Goldman
Donald Graetz
Ellis Greiner
Jesse Gregory
Steven Hagen
Peg Hall
Curt Hannah
Peter Hirschfeld
Marc Hoit
Alice Holmes
Marjorie Hoy
William Kem
Saeed Khan
Peter Kima
Pradeep Kumar

Ary Lamme
Christy Lemak
William Lindberg
Joseph Little
Cynthia Lord
Bernie Machen
John Mecholsky
Cathleen Mook
John Moore
Carol Murphy
Winston Nagan
Satya Narayan
June Nogle
Scott Nygren
Ygnve Ohrn
Panos Pardalos
Karen Parker
Rebecca Pauly
James Pettigrew
Francis Putz
Jim Rodrigue
Richard Segal
Robert Shaddy
Richard Shrivasta
Lewis Sussman
Laura Bond Sutton
Thomas Vickroy
Ratree Wayland
Bryan Weber
John Werning
Judith Williams
George Wilson
Danaya Wright
Allen Wysocki
Rock Yost
Naomi Young
Robert Zlotecki

Eva Czarnecka-Verner
Joe DiPietro
Sheila Dickison
Linda Dixon
Kim Emery
Bob Frank
Paula Fussell-Varnes
Carol Kem
Vernon Kisling
James Klausner
Andy McCollough
Les Thiele
Jill Varnes

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