
Recommendations and Comments on

Proposed Regulation Changes Affecting Faculty

Constitution Committee

April 19, 2007

The Constitution Committee has reviewed the proposed regulation changes that will be noticed for March public hearings and makes the following recommendations. The Committee has adopted a color-coded key for easily identifying the regulation changes that it feels need further consideration.

Red – These regulation changes have elements that many faculty members might disapprove or deem to be controversial and, therefore, should be given thoughtful consideration by all.

Yellow – These regulation changes have elements that concern a limited group of faculty and we recommend that those faculty examine the rule changes closely and express their views both to the Senate and to the administration through the public hearings if they feel it is appropriate.

Green – These regulation changes had some impact on faculty but generally made only stylistic or technical changes.

Caveat: while the Constitution Committee has attempted to review every regulation in light of its

potential impact on faculty, we are only a small group with limited knowledge of the specific workings of every aspect of the University. Our recommendations should not substitute for individual examination of each regulation change.

Summary of regulations in numeric order:

6C1-4.035       Green              Student Affairs: Health and Accident Insurance Requirements For       Foreign Students

6C1-4.016 2    Red                  Student Affairs; Student Conduct Code; Interim Suspension Pending Investigation and Hearing

6C1-4.003       Red                  Student Affairs: Student Leader Eligibility

6C1-4.016       Red                  Student Conduct Code; Violations, Penalties and Procedures for   Adjudication

6C1-4.018       Red                  Student Affairs; Off-Campus Conduct

6C1-4.026       Red                  Issuance of Transcripts, Flagging of Records, and Retention of Records in Cases of Disciplinary Action

6C1-7.019   Red                        Tenure and Promotion: Definition, Eligibility, Granting of Tenure, Criteria, Procedures and Methods of Processing, Confidential Nature of Materials And Discussions, Reports and Appeals, Permanent Status And Sustained Performance Evaluations

GREEN- These regulations seem acceptable

6C1-4.035 Student Affairs: Health and Accident Insurance Requirements For Foreign Students- The change clarifies the requirement that foreign students on an F or J visa must  have adequate medical insurance.

Recommendation: The Constitution Committee (CC) reviewed this regulation and believes it is straight forward and uncontroversial.

RED- There Regulations may require full Faculty Senate discussion and consideration.

6C1-4.016 2- Student Affairs; Student Conduct Code; Interim Suspension Pending Investigation and Hearing- The amendment provides that all interim suspensions enacted pursuant to an alleged violation of Regulation 6C1-4.016 shall remain in effect pending the completion of an investigation by the university and any other entity with jurisdiction over the matter, and a hearing by the university.

Recommendation:   In the view of the CC, any change in regulations governing student conduct or the student honor code has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty

6C1-4.003 Student Affairs: Student Leader Eligibility- The amendment raises the minimum GPA requirements and modifies other requirements for undergraduate or graduate students to hold leadership positions in student organizations.

Recommendation:   In the view of the CC, any change in regulations governing student conduct or the student honor code has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty

6C1-4.016 Student Conduct Code; Violations, Penalties and Procedures for Adjudication

The amendment substantially updates the violations subsection of this regulation, limits the hearing format available to students charged with a violation under this regulation who have also pled guilty or been adjudicated guilty, or received a guilty verdict in certain criminal cases; and gives the university the discretion to reopen the previously decided cases under certain limited conditions.

Recommendation:    In the view of the CC, any change in regulations governing student conduct or the student honor code has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty

6C1-4.018 Student Affairs; Off-Campus Conduct- The amendment clarifies the conditions under which the university will take disciplinary action against students for certain off-campus conduct.

Recommendation: In the view of the CC, any change in regulations governing student conduct or the student honor code has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty

6C1-4.026 Issuance of Transcripts, Flagging of Records, and Retention of Records in Cases of Disciplinary Action- The amendment authorizes the university to put a flag on the transcript of any student placed on interim suspension pending an investigation and hearing in accordance with Regulation 6C1-4.0162.

Recommendation: In the view of the CC, any change in regulations governing student conduct or the student honor code has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty

6C1-7.019 Tenure and Promotion: Definition, Eligibility, Granting of Tenure, Criteria, Procedures and Methods of Processing, Confidential Nature of Materials And Discussions, Reports and Appeals, Permanent Status And Sustained Performance Evaluations The change removes the requirement that the college level committee evaluating candidates for promotion and tenure be composed of tenured faculty with the rank of full professor or above.  The change provides that when evaluating a candidate for tenure at the college committee level, the evaluators must have tenure.  When evaluating a candidate for promotion, the evaluators must hold a rank superior to that of the candidate.

Recommendation: In the view of the CC, any change in regulations associated with tenure and promotion has the potential to significantly impact the entire university community and thus should be carefully examined by all faculty





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