Recommendations and Comments on
Proposed Regulation Changes Affecting Faculty
Constitution Committee
April 17, 2008
The Constitution Committee has reviewed the proposed regulation changes that will be noticed for March public hearings and makes the following recommendations. The Committee has adopted a color-coded key for easily identifying the regulation changes that it feels need further consideration.
• Red – These regulation changes have elements that many faculty members might disapprove or deem to be controversial and, therefore, should be given thoughtful consideration by all.
• Yellow – These regulation changes have elements that concern a limited group of faculty and we recommend that those faculty examine the rule changes closely and express their views both to the Senate and to the administration through the public hearings if they feel it is appropriate.
• Green – These regulation changes had some impact on faculty but generally made only stylistic or technical changes.
Caveat: while the Constitution Committee has attempted to review every regulation in light of its
potential impact on faculty, we are only a small group with limited knowledge of the specific workings of every aspect of the University. Our recommendations should not substitute for individual examination of each regulation change.
Summary of regulations in numeric order: (include links)
6C1-1.008 GREEN University of Florida; Disruptive Behavior
6C1-3.020 GREEN Purchasing
6C1-4.007 GREEN Confidentiality of Student Records