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16 May, 2000 David R. Colburn, PhD Re: Senate Resources Dear Provost Colburn: As the first elected Chairperson of the University of Florida Faculty Senate, I wish to thank you for the assistance you have provided us during your tenure as Interim Provost and Vice President. It is my hope, and that of my colleagues on the Steering Committee and in the Senate at large, that we will be able to work together aggressively to make our University of Florida ever better. As the Chair of the Senate and the Steering Committee, I have taken stock of the tasks before us, and the resources available to carry these out. The tasks are many and the resources may need to be supplemented to support the new Faculty Senate appropriately. After discussions with former officers of the Senate Steering Committee, I met with Senate Secretary and University Registrar Barbara Talmadge and with the "acting" Senate Secretary Rick Ragan. The Office of the Registrar, through these individuals, has provided exemplary support in the past and has informed me that they continue to see the Faculty Senate as a high priority for the staff housed in the Registrar's administrative area. After much discussion, we estimate that no more than about 0.25 professional FTE and 0.25 clerical FTE have been required to fulfill these responsibilities over the past 10 years. With the creation of a Committee on Committees, our desire to coordinate the work of the Faculty Academic Advisory Council with that of the Senate and the Senate Steering committee, and with continuing support of the University Curriculum Committee and Senate Committee on Student Petitions, it is my belief that the administrative load we place upon the Registrar's office will increase somewhat. Therefore, I ask that the University supplement the support previously provided as follows: 1. Continue with one-quarter [0.25] FTE as a Secretary to the Senate, the Senate Steering Committee, the Committee on Committees, the Faculty Academic Advisory Council, the University Curriculum Committee, and the Senate Committee on Student Petitions. This FTE, whom we hope would continue to be Mr. Rick Ragan, would continue to report to the Registrar. I believe it would be beneficial to hire a 0.50 FTE student [increased from 0.25 FTE] to assist Mr. Ragan with the following tasks: A. Scheduling meetings and meeting places; 2. I have asked Ms. Talmadge and Mr. Ragan to estimate the annual costs of supplies, postage, etc., expended in support of the Faculty Senate so that if the "new Senate" leads to a significant increase, we will be able to address this with you in a timely manner. However, I am told that whenever food is involved, funds other than general/educational ones must be used. Consequently, I request that a concession fund of between $1,000 and $ 2,000 be assigned for the Senate's use. I suggest that the Senate Secretary be assigned the account, which will be monitored by the Secretary and controlled by the Senate Chair. 3. Have the University Webmaster maintain the Faculty ListServe [1.J,
above]. My colleagues and I thank you for your past and continued assistance.