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QUALIFICATIONS EXPECTED OF THE PRESIDENT AND/OR PROVOST Created by 10-member Faculty Drafting Group in 1989 (beyond possession high personal and professional integrity and a clear understanding of the many and diverse roles and functions of a comprehensive land-grant university of recognized quality) Ability to articulate the University's mission, value, and needs clearly and to communicate them persuasively to all of our external and internal constituencies Commitment to excellence in teaching as well as research and willingness to champion exciting initiatives in both Demonstrated administrative leadership with emphasis on continual increase in quality Demonstrated intellectual leadership and nationally recognized research and scholarly achievements Experience in fund raising from public and private sources and willingness to place that activity high on the agenda Recognition and advocacy of the University's responsibility to define and implement its own intellectual goals and standards Sensitivity and commitment to academic freedom, the role of the faculty in academic decision making, and the need to address effectively such issues as minority participation and gender discrimination Understanding of the University's role as contributor to local, regional, and statewide economic and cultural vitality Error processing SSI file |