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The Faculty Senate
Gainesville, Florida 32611

A. Joseph Layon, MD
Senate Chairman, 2000-2001
Voice: 352.395.0486 [Office] 
FAX: 352.338.9812

Richard Briggs, PhD, 
Senate Chairman Elect, 2001-2002
James Pettigrew, DMD, 
Immediate Past Senate Chairman,


Proposal: Resolution for a Statement of Support 
for the Division of Student Affairs 
UF Faculty Senate 

9 November, 2000

We, the members of the University of Florida Faculty Senate wish to go on record as supporting our colleagues in the Division of Student Affairs as they encourage our undergraduate student colleagues to embrace concepts of tolerance and collegiality.

We also support the Division of Student Affairs as they encourage students in our fraternities and sororities to embrace their self-acknowledged values of brotherhood, sisterhood, academic excellence, community service, and leadership.

AJ Layon, MD Senate Chairman

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