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DRAFT Emergency Meeting of the Faculty Senate December 1, 2000 Faculty Senate chair Joe Layon convened the University Senate at 2:00 p.m. in Carleton Auditorium. Members present (44): M. Ardelt, C. Ashton, T. Auxter, D. Bloomquist, B. Brechner, M. Breeze, R. Briggs, K. Cheng, I. Clark, J. Cuda, L. Doty*, J. Earle*, M. Eisenberg, C. Finley, D. Fleming, J. Flocks, A. Fox, C. Goll, D. Hickey, G. Ihas, S. Khan, J. King, S. Kneipp, M. Koroly, P. Kricos, J. Larson, B. Long, D. McConnell, T. Mills, T. Morey, S. Mulkey, R. Mylavarapu, R. Natzke, B. Pace, J. Rodrique, A. Rosalsky, J. Sommervill, B. Stevens, S. Su, M. Swisher, G. Thursby, R. Wagman, S. Williams, G. Zachmann*. * Indicates ex-officio member. Introduction and History: Joe Layon introduced the purpose and structure of the meeting and apologized for adding another meeting to everyone's already busy lives. He then explained why he thought the meeting was necessary and gave four concerns he and others have with the plans to change governance structures:
Administrative View: Vice Provost Chuck Frazier spoke on the administration's behalf. President Young and Provost Colburn were out of town. Chuck Frazier spoke to the Senate about "where things are now." He introduced the structure and functions worksheet number one, produced recently by the task force. Provost Colburn and the other SUS provosts had a number of concerns:
SUS Council of Academic Vice Presidents and Provosts is still studying these worksheets and passing on comments to the President. Actions:
The press release comes as a result of the last meeting of the ACFS. It was decided that the individual faculty senates needed to get more involved and ask their communities to get more involved. There have also been actions taken in conjunction with the ACFS. Richard Briggs spoke about the process being flawed. He was the representative from University of Florida to the last ACFS meeting. Speed in the process has been partially a result of universities trying to conduct presidential searches. The presence of presidents in each of the 10 universities makes speed no longer quite as important. The transition task force does not have any representatives of governance of the state universities. Motion: Press release be accepted as is and handed out today 12/1/00. The motion was seconded. The forum was opened for discussion. Representative Ed Jennings Jr. spoke about his take on the issue. Representative Jennings urged the Senate to consider appealing to the newly elected representatives who he said have no tie to previous decisions. He also urged the Senate to work with other faculty senates and use one common voice and also propose some proactive measures. There was a statement by one Senator that the statement was not succinct enough and could not be supported by that particular Senator. Amendment: "First" be added to press release. (First press release by the Faculty Senate of the University of Florida). **The motion was approved with one vote of dissension.
Motion: That University of Florida's Faculty Senate join with other faculty senates in Florida to work together on this issue by sharing documents and information and finding a common voice and that UF's faculty Senate send all approved material to the other faculty senates in Florida. The motion was seconded. **The motion was unanimously approved. Motion: The contents of the letter to Governor Bush should remain as is, but the format should be restructured to allow for an executive summary. The motion was seconded. Amendment: Those knowledgeable in the governance of higher education be added to the transition task force and that this suggestion be added to the letter to Governor Bush. Also, the four points from the press release should be added to the letter as primary concerns. Amendment to the Amendment: The letter to Governor Bush should include a request to slow the process; to convene town meetings around the state and invite graduates from the Florida SUS system to discuss what the system should look like; to add educational structure expertise to the task force; and to consult with members of the higher educational system in Florida. Also include a request to have each of these suggestions replied to with concrete examples of how administration is going to deal with the problem. Amendment to the Amendment to the Amendment: That instead of asking that the composition of the task force be changed, the Senate ask that expert assistance be attached to the task force. Amendment 2: That "The Faculty Senate of the University of Florida after our December 1, 2000 meeting, asked me to convey some of their concerns to you through this letter," or something of the like be added to the very beginning of the letter to Governor Bush so that it is completely clear that the letter reflects the wishes of the entire Senate. **The motion was unanimously approved as amended. Motion: That a charrette be organized for all the faculty senate members to come together and discuss what would make a good system of educational governance in the state of Florida. The motion was seconded. Amendment: That the feasibility of having a charrette is investigated, as well as the feasibility of conducting a cyber-charrette. **The Motion was unanimously approved. A sense of the Senate was received for the leadership of the Faculty Senate to continue working with the elected representatives of this community on issues such as this one. The meeting concluded at 4:15 p.m. Error processing SSI file |