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The Faculty Senate
Gainesville, Florida 32611

E.T. York, Ph.D.
Chancellor Emeritus

Dear Governor Bush:

I apologize for writing you now during what must be a very busy and hectic period. However, the process of dealing with the education governance issue is moving very rapidly and I wanted to report to you on recent developments.

When I met with the Transition Task Force in October, Phil Handy asked me to provide more details to flesh out the ideas discussed with the group at that meeting. I have done so and transmitted to Phil and the Task Force over a week ago my second paper entitled "A Vision of a Seamless and Accountable System of Education for Florida" (attached with a copy of my transmittal message to Handy).

I have received no acknowledgment of this paper from Phil or the Task Force and was not invited to attend the Task Force Meeting in Orlando to discuss the paper or respond to questions.

In the meantime, I have become increasingly concerned that the Task Force has already made up its mind on the governance issue. Although I was certain that some members of the Task Force came into the process determined to implement the plan approved by the Legislature (and this has been confirmed by statements to the press by some Task Force members), Phil has repeatedly assured me and others that he does not have his mind made up and that he and the Task Force would be willing to consider modification of the legislative plan. However, in Handy's conversations with others and his statements at a Council of 100 Education Committee Meeting late last week, many have concluded that the issue is settled so far as Phil is concerned--that is, it is futile to try and get approval of some modified governance plan. Even some in the university community who have been so opposed to the legislative plan have given up and are beginning to say "it's a done deal."

However, I recall so well that you seemed impressed with the plan set forth in my paper discussed with you on October 3. Moreover, I have had nothing but favorable reaction to this paper as well as to the second piece I am transmitting to you now--from the university community as well as many prominent citizens across the state. Frankly, while I thought the first paper provided a convincing argument for a modified governance system, I think the second paper provides the implementation details that makes the proposed plan even more attractive and desirable.

If Florida moves to implement the plan called for in the legislation, we would be the only state in the nation without a statewide university governing or coordinating body. Many strongly believe that if the legislative plan is implemented--and the Task Force seems to be moving rapidly in that direction--the resulting system will not work and our universities will be put through a very disruptive and damaging period. I can also anticipate a very contentious struggle in the Legislature over this issue. I have yet to hear anyone in university circles in Florida or elsewhere endorse the governance plan proposed in this legislation.

I do not believe you would want this as a part of your administration and, ultimately, your legacy as Governor.

I would urge you, therefore, to get the best advice available from outstanding university leaders such as those I have identified in my second paper. Then, if you are not convinced that the plan approved by the Legislature is best for Florida, I would urge you to exert your considerable influence with the Transition Task Force to develop an alternative plan that would be acceptable and workable.

With warm regards,


E. T. York

E.T., thank you for writing. Yes, I have been busy but I have a responsibility as Governor so your email is a welcome reprieve from the political goings on. I am passing on your email to John Winn and Phil Handy for one of them to give you an update on where they stand.

Keep in touch.

Jeb Bush

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