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Department Meetings
- History: 10/26
@ 4:00 in 4112 Turlington (Dr. Summerlin)
- Physiology: 11/6
@ 12:00 in MSB-544 (Dr. Stevens)
- Pharmacy: 11/7
@ 2:00 in R3-265 (Dr. Katovich)
- Entomology: 11/9
@ 10:30 in Bldg 970 - adjacent to Harn (Dr. Cuda)
- English: 11/13
@ 3:30 in Dauer Hall (Dr. Clark)
- Aerospace Engineering:
11/15 @ 4:00 in 221 Aerospace (Dr. Eisenberg)
- Sociology: 12/1
@ 3:00 in 3219 Turlington (Dr. Mills)
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