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The Faculty Senate
Gainesville, Florida 32611

A. Joseph Layon, MD
Senate Chairman, 2000-2001
Voice: 352.395.0486 [Office] 
FAX: 352.338.9812

Richard Briggs, PhD, 
Senate Chairman Elect, 2001-2002
James Pettigrew, DMD, 
Immediate Past Chairman, 1999-2000

Elimination of the Current State University System Governance Structure and Its Replacement With... 

A Novel and Untested System of Governance

First Press Release by the Faculty Senate of the University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

During the last legislative session, the Florida Legislature proposed [House Bill 2263] the elimination of the State University System’s Board of Regents and Governor Bush signed it into law.  For the past several months, the Governor’s Educational Reorganization Transition Task Force has held hearings on this issue.  At their next meeting, on the 5th and 6th of December, the Transition Task Force is set to vote to create a novel and untested system of educational governance that will be sent to the Governor for approval.  This system will put the management of the State University System--the crown jewel of the State’s system of education--into the hands of the State Board of Education, the same people who manage Kindergarten through grade 12.

The Faculty Senate of the University of Florida, the deliberative body of the University, welcomes discussion on how to improve democratic governance of our University System.  We welcome, and will take part in, any discussion whose end is to improve the workings of the educational, discovery, and service processes of our University.  We are supportive of all attempts to improve the articulation of the educational system of the State of Florida.  Although we and other thoughtful educators and leaders from Florida and the nation have been involved in open sessions with the Transition Task Force, we wish to point out once again our areas of major concern with the proposed system that will be put into place to govern the SUS.  These include:

1.       Lack of true consultation by the Transition Task Force in the development of this system;

2.       With the Transition Task Force proposed governance system, the potential for political manipulation of new program and facility development throughout the SUS;

3.       With the Transition Task Force proposed governance system, the potential for political manipulation of students, faculty and staff throughout the SUS;

4.       With the Transition Task Force proposed governance system, the potential for--especially given the differential legislative delegation strengths in the North versus South of our state--political manipulation of funding to each campus in the SUS.

The Board of Regents--the present governance structure--was written into existence in the late 1960s by the same legislative body that now seeks to disband it.  Among the many reasons that the Board was created, a desire to limit politically motivated manipulation of programs and facilities was one of major significance.  Additionally, the State may have been embarrassed by revelations that an official committee of the Legislature had manipulated the Board of Control, the predecessor to the Board of Regents, and was investigating the private lives of faculty and staff.  The heirs to that state body now seek to dismantle the only existing "firewall" that exists between the State University System and the Legislature.

Since its inception, the present governance structure has been tasked with planning for the needs of the State University System.  Perhaps most importantly, this body has been charged with developing goals and objectives for the entire State University System, and creating a statewide strategic plan for the development of higher education in the State of Florida.  Although all of the functions of the Board of Regents are important, it is the process of state-wide planning, with a minimum of political interference, that is put at risk by the abolition of the present governance structure.  This is especially worrisome, as the system being prepared to replace the present governance structure appears to have no SUS coordinated planning function.

Although we have seriously and profoundly disagreed with some of the actions of the Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate of the University of Florida opposes the hasty elimination of the present governance structure.  We again call upon University of Florida students and Alumni, as well as friends, colleagues and educators in other states to send Governor Bush [], the Transition Task Force leaders John Winn [] and Phil Handy [], and the Florida Legislature a message that the State University System should not be recklessly manipulated.  The governance structure that is put into place for our SUS should, at a minimum, address each of the above-mentioned concerns.  Time is short, the risk is real, and if nothing is done what we lose may take decades to recover.

UF Faculty Senate Contacts:

A. Joseph Layon, MD          
Chairperson, Faculty Senate 2000-2001 
Office: 352-265-0486 

Richard Briggs, PhD
Chairperson-Elect, 2001-2002
Office: 352-392-2571

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