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The Faculty Senate
Gainesville, Florida 32611

A. Joseph Layon, MD
Senate Chairman, 2000-2001
Voice: 352.395.0486 [Office] 
FAX: 352.338.9812

Richard Briggs, PhD, 
Senate Chairman Elect, 2001-2002
James Pettigrew, DMD, 
Immediate Past Senate Chairman,

Alexander Alberro, PhD, Art and Art History
Leilani Doty, PhD, Neurology
Jonathan F. Earle, PhD, Engineering
Rosalia C. Simmen, PhD, Animal Science
Kim M. Tanzer, Architecture
Gayle M. Zachmann, PhD, Romance Languages
Richard Ragan, Senate Secretary
Barbara Talmadge, University Registrar

David Colburn, PhD
Interim Provost
Professor of History
Office of the Provost
Tigert Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Re: Custodial Review Committee

Dear Provost Colburn:

As you requested at the time of the announcement of the formation of the Custodial Review Committee, I list below the names of several UF Faculty Senators with an interest in assisting you study the issues brought to light related to the Environmental Service Workers at UF. The Committee's charge will be, I assume, as has been discussed previously:
1. Determine what the problems are;
2. Determine a set of solutions;
3. Determine the "costs" of each solution;
4. Choose the solution that ensures fairness and justice at an acceptable "cost".

The names are:
1. Jean A. Larson, PhD, Department of Mathematics
2. Nora M. Alter, PhD, Department of German, Film and Media Studies
3. Barbara E. McDade, PhD, Geography
4. A. Joseph Layon, MD, College of Medicine, (Alternate Member)

Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance to you on this, or any other, matter.

AJ Layon, MD, FACP
UF Faculty Senate Chairman
Professor of Anesthesiology, Surgery, an Medicine

Xc: President C. E. Young
Senate Steering Committee
Nik Gravenstein, MD

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