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George E. Andrews

Nomination of Professor George E. Andrews for Honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc)

The University of Florida Honorary Degree Committee recommends that Professor George Andrews be awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science to recognize his remarkable contributions to the theory of partitions.

George Andrews, the Evan Pugh Professor of Mathematics at Pennsylvania State University, is widely regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on the theory of integer partitions, and in a very real sense a worthy disciple of the great Indian genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. Freeman Dyson (Institute of Advanced Study) praises him as "… a great mathematician" and describes him as the chief gardener in Ramanujan's garden. Herbert Wilf, the Thomas A. Scott Professor of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania rates him as a "prolific mathematician of absolutely world class." B. Berndt, the Michio Suzuki Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Illinois, declares, "I would support the nomination of Andrews for an honorary doctorate at any university in the world" and also mentions Andrews' discovery of Ramanujan's lost notebook. Finally, Richard Askey, the John Bascom Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, simply says, "… when I have a problem in any field close to those Ramanujan worked in, Andrews is the first person I contact." These testimonials from leading mathematicians address the intellectual qualities and achievement of the nominee. Recently he has collaborated and worked extensively with members of the mathematics department at UF and has visited many times.


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