Senate Agenda
January 15, 2009
3:00-5:00 PM
Reitz Union Auditorium
Approval of the December 18 Senate minutes- Frank Bova, Chair
- Chair’s report- Frank Bova, Chair
- President’s Report- Bernie Machen, President
- Provost’s Report-Joe Glover, Provost
Information Items:
- Data mining tools available through the Office of Institutional Planning and Research- Marie Zeglen, Assistant Provost and Director of Institutional Planning and Research
To access Daily Enrollment Tracking, or the Enrollment Cube, or the Revenue Cube, Go to the Office of Institutional Planning and Research web site at
Choose the desired tool from the Analytic Tools section and sign on with GatorLink. This requires the UF_ER_USER role which can be obtained from your local computer contact.
University Curriculum Committee Proposed Name Changes- Sheila Dickison, UCC Member
- The department of Romance Languages and Literatures underwent the following changes: Faculty in Spanish and Portuguese became the nucleus of a new department, which is now proposing the name, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Faculty in French, Italian and Haitian Creole became part of a second department, which is now proposing the name, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
- Faculty in the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures and the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies also became part of the new department which is now proposing the name, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
- The Department of Sociology and the Department of Criminology, Law and Society were merged into one unit. The proposed name for the new department is the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law.
- Name change from the department of Pharmacy Practice to Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research- Larry Lopez, Associate Chair of Pharmacy Practice
- Bylaw Changes (changes to 4, 7, 13, and 18)- Cathy Martyniak, Constitution Committee Chair
- Academic Policy Council recommendations concerning department and college change procedures- Danaya Wright, APC chair
- Infrastructure Council Information Technology Governance Process Proposal - Jane Brockmann, Infrastructure Council Chair
Action Item:
Changes to Tenure and Promotion Units at Smathers Libraries- Judith Russell, Dean University Libraries
Open Discussion from Senate Floor:
Senators first. Three minute limit per speaker.