UF Task Force on Graduate Tuition

A joint ad hoc committee was created in December 2002 to work on to develop recommendations to the Provost regarding mechanisms to alleviate the budget deficit associated with graduate tuition at the University of Florida. The members were selected jointly by the Provost and the Senate Steering Committee. The committee is expected to complete its tasks by February 1, 2003.

Name Department Email
Frazier, Chuck (Chair) Academic Affairs cfrazier@ufl.edu
Gerhardt, Ken Research & Graduate Ed. gerhardt@csd.ufl.edu
Heesacker, Marty Psychology heesack@ufl.edu
Ingram, Lonnie Microbio. & Cell Sci., IFAS ingram@ufl.edu
Law, Mark Elec. & Computer Eng. law@tec.ufl.edu
McCormack, Wayne Pathology, Medicine mccormac@pathology.ufl.edu
Ohrn, Yngve QTP ohrn@qtp.ufl.edu
Schanze, Kirk Chemistry kschanze@chem.ufl.edu
Tanner, David Physics tanner@phys.ufl.edu
Wachsman, Eric Materials Sci. & Eng. ewach@mse.ufl.edu
Yellen, Victor Academic Affairs victor@ufl.edu