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The Faculty Senate
Gainesville, Florida 32611

A. Joseph Layon, MD
Senate Chairman, 2000-2001
Voice: 352.395.0486 [Office] 
FAX: 352.338.9812

Richard Briggs, PhD, 
Senate Chairman Elect, 2001-2002
James Pettigrew, DMD, 
Immediate Past Senate Chairman,

Faculty Senate Proposal: Amended as Indicated, 
November 7, 2000

Proposal to Create a Sustainability Task Force University of Florida

Mission: 1) To review UF's assets and deficits relative to advancing sustainability in the areas of research, education, campus operations, and community outreach; 2) facilitate communication of UF's sustainability initiatives and their benefits to the campus and community; 3) to survey global institutional trends towards sustainability and identify UF's best niche(s) or role(s) in that movement, and; 4) to make recommendations to the President and the Faculty detailing specific actions and resources required to make the University of Florida a global leader in the field of sustainability.

Membership: Ten or less members, appointed jointly by the President and the Faculty Senate. Half of the members selected by the President, half of the members elected by the Faculty Senate. The President would include one Administrative staff member; the Faculty Senate would include one student.

Term: The Task Force shall submit its final report in one year. The Task Force shall remain empaneled for at least a year thereafter in order to monitor and report on the development of policy and practices implementing Task Force recommendations.

Staff: The Office of Sustainability shall cooperate with other campus personnel to assist in staffing.

Outreach: The Task Force shall conduct all meetings in advertised public forums with citizens encouraged to attend. At least two advertised public meetings shall be held off campus.

Procedure: The Task Force shall elect a Chair(s) from among its ranks. All decision-making meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order. A simple majority of filled member-appointments shall constitute a quorum. All final recommendations must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the total membership.

Reporting: Minutes and recordings of all meetings shall be kept and posted on the Task Force's web site. The report shall be circulated for comment among campus and community members at least one month prior to final approval by the Task Force.


Summary of Sustainability Task Force Initiatives University of Florida Faculty Senate

November 10, 2000

Georgia Tech

Authorized by/date: University President in 1996

Mission: to set sustainability-related goals and objectives and define the scope of activity appropriate for Georgia Tech

Composition: Six faculty, a Dean, and the director of their sustainability institute.

Recommendations (summary): 1) create advocacy organization; 2) budget for professional development, program and curricula development, campus operations improvements, etc.; 3) enhance sustainability-related research agenda and; 4) integrate with campus master planning, research, and coursework.

South Carolina State University System

Authorized by/date: Three University Presidents (USC, Clemson, Med. U of SC) in 1996

Mission: Serve as both an intellectual and a financial catalyst for activities which will make the state's three research universities, other educational institutions, and ultimately, the state as a whole, more sustainable. Create a new model for multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional cooperation within South Carolina's higher education community. Finally, become a model for other state-assisted colleges and universities nationwide.

Composition: Faculty, Deans, School Director, and administrators. Recommendations: Effect Change within Faculty, Enhance Student and Community Educational Programs, Conserve Natural Resources by Making University Operations More Efficient, Share Information/Manage Program, Provide Assessment Vehicles.

North Carolina State Authorized by/date: In 1998, Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. committed all public agencies in North Carolina to the development and implementation of a state strategic plan for environmental sustainability. North Carolina State University's Chancellor appointed a campus-wide sustainability officer, who then created the Environmental Sustainability Task Force. Mission: To help the University respond to the mandate from the Governor Composition: It was selected to provide broad-based representation from the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Student Senate, Physical Environment Committee, several colleges, and several administrative offices. Recommendations: Energy management and conservation program with a goal to reduce consumption of energy by 20% over seven years. Recycling, waste reduction, and resource conservation that will exceed the mandated 40% reduction. Establish a highly visible annual cash award program for members of the faculty, staff, and/or student body making the best suggestions for enhancing environmental sustainability of the campus. Provide the intellectual leadership for redefining State purchasing and service procurement guidelines to incorporate sustainability and involve local businesses and communities in all purchases by State agencies.

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