
Senate Steering Committee

Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2004
3:00 PM
226 Tigert Hall


  • Approval of October 7, 2004 Meeting Minutes
  • Strategic Issues
  • Constitutional Language for Policy Councils
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure Recommendations
  • Senate Chair Evaluation & Senate Budget
  • Update on Faculty Compensation Committee
  • Senate Role in VP Searches
  • Textbook Acquisition
  • Honor Court & Faculty
  • Draft Agenda
  • Honorary Degree Committee Nomination
  • AFTPRS Committee Recommendations
  • Vote on Senate Meeting Agenda

Pierre Ramond
Bernie Machen
Chris Snodgrass
James Klausner

Barry Ache
Tim Taylor
Pierre Ramond


Pierre Ramond, Chair
Anthony Brennan, Past-Chair
Barbara Wingo, Parliamentarian
Rick Ragan, Secretary
Jim Cusick
Kim Emery
Joan Frosch
Gene Hemp
Mike Katovich
Saeed Khan
Pradeep Kumar
Joe Glover (Future Provost)

Barry Ache, Chair - Honorary Degree Committee
James Klausner, Chair - Ad Hoc Committee Tenure
Chris Snodgrass, Chair - Constitution Committee
Tim Taylor, Chair - AFTPRS Committee
Rhonda Robinson

Approval of October 7, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: One change was noted - a change from an individual's name to the Committee's name regarding drafting language for the Constitution. The change will be made.

Action Items: Gene Hemp motioned to Approve, Saeed Khan seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.

Person Responsible:


Strategic Issues

Bernie Machen

Discussion: President Machen was unable to attend the meeting because he was at the Council of 100 meeting in south Florida. He phoned in to speak to the Steering Committee members. He discussed Academic Learning Compacts (ALC's) and the need for UF to take the lead in developing the framework to propose to the Board of Governors. Developing a framework that will be relevant to all colleges will minimize work for the faculty and the stress on students. UF already measures accountability through accrediting bodies, so it would be prudent to take those measures and build a framework. It was noted that the idea of an exit exam has been taken off the table. There are positive reasons for taking the lead in developing an ALC. Such action would benefit UF and in the long run these measures could be implemented in all state institutions.

Conclusions: The Policy Council on Academic Policy, Curriculum, and Structure will work with President Machen and Associate Provost Joe Glover to gather information and research to identify what is currently being done and to develop a framework for UF.

Constitutional Language for Policy Councils

Chris Snodgrass

Discussion: Chris Snodgrass, Chair of the Constitution Committee, reported that the committee would be meeting November 5 to work on 1) the definition of faculty, 2) the election of policy councils and the new time line, and 3) establishing language to constitute the Academic & Professional Assembly. Saeed Khan stated that the councils have not yet been charged and need a definition of what they are expected to do. Gene Hemp is developing a matrix of the contributing committees. There will be a meeting with the Steering Committee members and President Machen that will be held on November 19 at which time more specifics on the councils will be finalized.

Conclusions: Tony Brennan made a motion that each council provide a definition of its responsibilities and procedures to the Committee on Committees who will then report back to the Steering Committee and the Senate. The motion was seconded by Gene Hemp. Three voted to approve, two voted against and three did not vote. Motion passed.

Action Items: Each council will develop a set of guidelines on their council's responsibilities and procedures and will send to Committee on Committees.

Person Responsible:
Council Chairs
Committee on Committees

Dec. 2, 2004

Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure Recommendations

James Klausner

Discussion: James Klausner, Chair of the Ad Hoc Tenure Committee, presented the final recommendations to be presented to the Faculty Senate at the November 18 meeting. He said the committee wishes to remain active because they have identified two other recommendations. They want to 1) follow through on endorsed recommendations and ensure their implementation, and 2) work with Provost's office to develop uniform practices to be followed by all colleges. It was noted that there was one recommendation that was not discussed at the "Special" Meeting on October 28. This will be on the agenda as an action item at the next meeting, and Danaya Wright will be there to address any questions. An email will be sent to all faculty and senators to review these and be prepared for a vote at the next Senate meeting.

Conclusions: An email will be sent to senators and faculty to review the final committee recommendations which will be action items on the Senate meeting agenda for November 18.

Action Items: An email will be sent to faculty and senators to review the recommendations and be prepared for a vote.

Person Responsible:
Ad Hoc Committee Members


Senate Chair Evaluation & Senate Budget

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: Pierre Ramond addressed the Steering Committee about defining evaluation guidelines for the chair. It is important to devise specific criteria so that a procedure for compensating the individual is designed. Should have teaching relief or some form of compensation. Must be formalized so that each year it is not a negotiation. Important to consider the uniqueness of each department. It was also noted that the chairs of some committees should have some recognition or accommodation because of the time that they devote. Some Steering members expressed concern about having a formal evaluation of the Senate chair. Suggested that the Council on Faculty Welfare look at this issue.

Conclusions: Members agreed that this needed to be addressed. The Policy Council on Academic Freedom, Faculty Quality and Faculty Welfare will review.

Update on Faculty Compensation Committee

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: Mike Katovich questioned at what stage the process was for the permanent Faculty Compensation Senate Standing Committee. The status is unclear, but it is important to follow up. The charge will be sent to the Committee on Committees. Pierre Ramond is in the process of setting up the ad hoc committee members. He has asked seven individuals. Three have accepted. Three have declined. One has not responded. He will continue to work on setting up the committee and will follow up with the Steering Committee.

Conclusions: Set up the committee membership for the ad hoc committee. The charge will be sent to the Committee on Committees to begin the process of setting up a permanent Senate standing committee.

Senate Role in VP Searches

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: Concern was expressed about the absence of council and committee members on vice presidential search committees, including the provost and the VP of Human Affairs. Pierre Ramond encouraged that Steering members to attend the interviews held on campus for these positions. It was noted that some of the councils will be directly interfacing with the newly hired individuals and should be part of the search and hiring process. Need individuals that support shared governance. It was also noted that the most recent hiring search included student leaders but not faculty leaders. This needs to be addressed.

Conclusions: Councils and Steering Committee will recommend to President Machen to be involved in the process.

Textbook Acquisitions

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: It was noted that this was a very important issue needing to be addressed. Discussion began last year. This meeting ran long so committee was unable to discuss in detail but will be on next agenda.

Conclusions: This will be included on the next agenda.

Honor Court & Faculty

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: It was noted that this was a very important issue to be addressed. Brought up last year. Meeting ran over so unable to discuss in detail but will be on next agenda

Conclusions: This will be included on the next Agenda.

Draft Agenda

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: Pierre Ramond advised that it is important to avoid errors, so a draft agenda will be presented and reviewed before the conclusion of each Steering Committee meeting. Any changes that need to be made will be notated and approved by Steering Committee members.

Conclusions: Each meeting a draft agenda will be presented.

Honorary Degree Committee Nomination

Barry Ache

Discussion: Barry Ache, Chair of the Honorary Degree Committee provided information about a nominee for an honorary degree. The proposal passed unanimously and will be presented at the Faculty Senate meeting on November 18.

Conclusions: This item will be presented to Faculty Senate at November 18 meeting as information item.

Action Items: Barry Ache will present this item to the Faculty Senate on behalf of his committee at November 18 meeting.

Person Responsible:
Barry Ache


AFTPRS Committee Recommendations

Tim Taylor

Discussion: Tim Taylor, Chair of the AFTPRS Committee, attended to present four items to move forward to the Senate. These items were addressed last year but no action was taken. Will be on agenda as Information Items. Items include 1) reducing the number of members that should be present at Panel Hearing, 2) University shall supply necessary information at the request of Committee, 3) Decision shall be binding unless can show an error in the decision, 4) Process must conclude for any action to be taken.

Conclusions: Items will move forward to be presented to the Faculty Senate at November 18 meeting.

Vote on Senate Meeting Agenda

Pierre Ramond

Discussion: The draft agenda was reviewed. Gene Hemp motioned to approve. Tony Brennan seconded the motion with the notation that the one item from the ad hoc Committee on Tenure will be moved to an information item. Motion passed unanimously.

Conclusions: One change was noted that will be made and then agenda will be ready for Faculty Senate meeting of November 18.

Action Items:Gene Hemp motioned, Tony Brennan seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Person Responsible:
Staff will make changes and upload on website for review of all members before next Senate Meeting.


Additional Information

Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P.M.

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